You've likely come across something called hyaluronic acid. It is one of the trendiest ingredients on drugstore shelves today. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in the body, including the skin and the vaginal tissue. It is known for its moisturizing and hydrating properties, which can benefit vaginal dryness and discomfort. It effectively delivers moisturizing benefits without irritating. It's a common ingredient in moisturizers, anti-aging products, and supplements.
Some of the most exciting developments in hyaluronic acid research are the revolutionary ways HA locks in moisture in the vagina. A key player in tissue regeneration, hyaluronic acid's job is to retain water to keep our tissues moist and well-lubricated.
HA vaginal products are available in gels, creams, and suppositories. These products are typically available over the counter and do not require a prescription. We tried multiple products on the market. Unfortunately, most over-the-counter products do not specify how much HA they contain. You could have a product manufactured with the exact amount of HA at your local compounding pharmacy, but you will need a prescription.
Is Hyaluronic Acid Safe to Use Vaginally and Internally?
Yes. Products with HA are easy to use and can be applied vaginally as needed. Researchers found that hyaluronic acid’s hydrating capabilities make it an ultra-effective treatment to relieve vaginal dryness. Women of any age, who experience vaginal dryness, benefit from the regular use of a moisturizer with this ultra-soothing ingredient.
Are you concerned about allergies or interactions with your body? Since the body naturally produces hyaluronic acid, allergic reactions are rare. Regarding ratings for cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity, and immunotoxicity concerns, hyaluronic acid is listed as "low."
It is important to note that while HA is generally considered safe, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before using any new products or treatments. Some women might have allergies and sensitivities to HA, so it is essential to test the product on a small area of the skin before using it vaginally.
If you don't want to use a vaginal moisturizer with estrogen, products with hyaluronic acid can be a great alternative. Or it could be used to supplement your estrogen vaginal cream.
Remember, if you're looking to update your intimate care regimen, it's important to slowly introduce these types of products and observe the difference they make. Once you've fully integrated it into your daily routine, you'll likely start noticing all the benefits hyaluronic acid offers — and telling your friends about its advantages.
Stay tuned for our HA products, made in Florida and from pure natural ingredients, coming soon!
Updated: Apr 4, 2023

A recent article in NYT, "Setting Couples on the Path to a Richer Sex Life" by Alix Strauss, set me on a path of searching through multiple resources published online, talking to friends, and sifting through a lot of statistics.
I was looking for an answer to a simple question: How much sex should I have in midlife? What is too often, and what is not often enough? What is the healthy amount?
The most common scenario was anywhere between 1 to 5 times per week. That’s a big spread.
I tried to narrow it down. It appears that middle-aged men think about having sex 5-7 times per week and would be satisfied with having one about 3-5 times per week. Middle-aged women think about sex 3-5 times per week and would be happy with having sex 3-5 times per week.
"There is a big difference between sex and intimacy," said Cyndi Darnell, a sex therapist interviewed in the article mentioned above. "Not everyone wants sex with intimacy or intimacy with sex." She further commented on other misconceptions about intimacy and sex: “That good sex is spontaneous, simultaneous, and mutually orgasmic – that’s a lie. That sex is intercourse – also a lie. That desire is essential to have good sex. It’s not. And that men and women are profoundly different, not true.”
Hmmm, a lot to ponder about.
Many resources for middle-aged women are very vocal about the "Use it or lose it" mantra when discussing sex during perimenopause and menopause. Sexual arousal and orgasm improve the blood flow to your sex organs. This improved blood flow can reduce vaginal atrophy or lessen its severity. More blood flow also reduces dryness which helps maintain a healthy vagina.
Having sex more often (solo or partnered) is crucial for encouraging healthy blood flow to the vaginal tissues. That, in turn, keeps tissues stretchier and more lubricated, which can make intimacy more comfortable./1./
Well, friends, if we want to stay healthy, we need to try to have sex every other day. Spontaneous or not, ready or not. Put it on your daily schedule, like going to the gym or walking. You know what I mean, 3000 steps per day. You might not always feel like going to the gym. Still, you will go because you know it's healthy and good for you, and when you are there, you will start liking it, and when you are finished, you will be happy and satisfied and return for more. Unless your gym instructor sucks, and in that case, please read my infidelity blog post before you jump onto any wild and crazy adventure.
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